Composition II (F2F & Hybrid)
Gardner-Webb University | Instructor of Record – ENGL 102 | 11 sections | Fall 2020 – Present
(Departmental) Student Course Objectives Include: compose a well-developed argument that demonstrates knowledge of argument structure and conventions; demonstrate effective research skills; synthesize primary and secondary sources in writing; demonstrate evidence of writing as a recursive, collaborative process; and demonstrate proficiency in incorporating other’s ideas responsibly
Professor McKee goes above and beyond for her students. English is not always fun and somehow she made me never want to miss a class.
Her assignments and project were truly helpful for my future and taught me valuable information and strategies.
Composition I (F2F)
Gardner-Webb University | Instructor of Record – ENGL 101 | 5 sections | Fall 2019 – Present
(Departmental) Student Course Objectives Include: create appropriate writing for a variety of purposes, audiences, and rhetorical situations; use informal writing as a tool for learning, reflecting, and/or critical thinking; develop effective strategies for moving through and reflecting on pre-writing, drafting, revising, and editing; compose in a variety of genres, using appropriate technologies to address a range of writing and rhetorical situations and various publication mediums
Undergraduate Spring Break Short Course (F2F)
Purdue Writing Lab & Purdue Language & Cultural Exchange | 1 section | Spring Break 2016
Worked with co-instructor to design, develop, and teach a short course for international undergraduate students on the fundamentals of academic writing.
First-Year Composition (F2F)
Purdue University | 8 sections of ENGL 106 | Fall 2013 – Present
Course Goals: helping students to determine their own writing and research processes; practicing composing on various platforms and in several styles and modes; and developing skills in critical thinking and textual analysis.
“Thank you for teaching English 106, it was probably one of my favorite classes this semester. It’s nice taking a break from those lectures with 200+ students where the professor doesn’t really interact with any of them; it can make this school feel like a machine…. Also, thank you for taking the time to leave individual feedback on everyone’s papers…. I personally liked getting my work back and reading the funny, supportive, and constructive comments you wrote (and I’m sure everyone else did too).” – ENGL 106 Student Reflection
Introductory Composition Syllabus Approaches/Course Themes Taught:
- Digital Rhetorics – “(SUPER)Heroism”
- Composing with Popular Culture – “Heroes, Sidekicks, and Villains”
- Composing through Literature – “Dystopias”
- Composing through Literature – “Technology and Ethics” (Steampunk)
- Composing with Narratives – Service Learning
First-Year Composition – Linked Section (F2F)
Purdue University | 2 sections ENGL 106e | Fall 2015, 2016
Taught linked sections of Introductory Composition as part of an Integrated Freshmen Experience launched by Purdue’s Polytechnic Institute.
Guest Instructor
Rhetoric and Social Media
Guest speaker on Social Media Marketing, Visual Rhetoric, and Design | Siena College | Guest Speaker – ENGL 384/WRIT 390 | Spring 2019